Sunday, 25 February 2018

Be afraid, no not really.

We have a weather warning coloured Amber.  For snow.  High winds too, threats of power cuts.  Really.  Years ago we ploughed through snow over our wellies.  We lit the fire, we admired the frost on the inside of windows, such pretty pictures, filled the hot water bottles or wrapped the heated brick in a towel .  We survived.  We seem to be heading for some self inflicted panic attack from it being cold. ....

In February.  

I have checked the candles, ample, torches, powered up, load of logs delivered today, whistling kettle at the right of the stove, all fine.

Although it is bloody cold.

Jean, welcome, the photographs on my blog are taken by me unless otherwise stated.  If the weather is so bad I do not leave the car or I am unwell and have the  DP with me he takes the photos and I will say so.  But most of the photos are taken by me. The DP'S hobby is photography, he is very good at it.   I often paint from his photos.

So here we go.  My photos.

It was so cold today that I had difficulty breathing despite my inhaler which is supposed to widen my air tubes.  I got out of the car and grabbed the railings, put the brake on the chariot.  And got control of the breathing. You lean over the handy railing, in through the nose and pursed lips exhale.  It does work.  Me and the chariot then went forward into the wind.  Out there are the Gull Gang.

Some of the Oystercatchers.

In more detail.

And a large boat.  Not sure what it is.  Possibly has containers on to take out to oil rigs?  It wasnt going anywhere.  Often when the weather forecast is bad large boats shelter up this part of the coast.

The chariot and I then returned to the car much quicker as the wind was behind us.

There was no-one, not a one, either walking on the Prom or on the beach.  I shall now take 5 Brownie points.

I always, always feel mentally so much better having staggered up the Prom and back.

Back home.  The DP had lit the fire and fed my garden birds.  I did a lot of sorting for opening the shedudio at Easter.  And a bit of painting.

The start of a Mountain Hare.  

A chair awaits you when visiting the shedudio!

Forecast tomorrow is for the wind abating.  If that is still the case tomorrow I shall be off out again.  Fresh air and fun, not fear.


Jean. said...

Thank you for the reply. Love the bit about getting back quicker with the wind behind you, it made me laugh.

carolyn said...

Your shedudio looks so inviting, I would love to have a seat there. But, I am in Montana, USA so afraid I won't be there anytime soon. Montana is known as Big Sky Country and we have lots of snow right now.
Take care.

DUTA said...

Kudos to you! You're a brave woman.
I do fear cold (catching a cold) and near a body of water it's colder.
Luckily, I live in a place where winter is usually mild.
Anyway, you're proof that cold air is healing and makes one feel good.

crafty cat corner said...

You are so right regarding the panic that sets in with a tiny bit of snow. Like you I remember plodding through really thick snow to get to my Gran, we had to wait for the snow plough to make a path through parts of our journey. I walked to school through thick snow. No school closures then.
I get sick of this nanny state and one thing that really bugs me is the names they give to each storm.
Sorry for the rant but I can remember when things were more normal.

Anonymous said...

your determination and fortitude is inspirational!!You and your chariot!!! I love that Hare!!! I love painting Hare's and now you have inspired me for my next project!!!!

BadPenny said...

Keep warm xx