Friday, 26 August 2016

Getting older.

One of the most frustrating things about old age is forgetting nouns.


Trying to speak a name of a person, or thing.

We moved a plant recently for the patio and path to be constructed.  The times this plant has come up in conversation..... I describe it, where it was, where it now is, the fact that Rusty Duck said it would survive Armageddon.  That the plant I always wanted was a variety of said plant.

So while mentally going through the alphabet to get to said plants name and consistently coming up with the letter M.  It finally hit me. Or the brain.


Usually known as Crocosmia.  And the one I want is Crocosmia Lucifer.



rusty duck said...

An excellent choice!

BadPenny said...

I've always called it Montbretia but a friend corrected me & said Crocosmia. I like the orange one.

vic said...

While googling something else I happened upon the name of your blog. It seems I read a lot of novels set in the U.S. west---one state is called Big Sky Country so I assumed that you were located in Montana and wouldn't it be interesting to dip into a blog set in that area. But when I clicked over to you the pic at the top of the ocean quickly disabused me of that idea. Montana is definitely landlocked and there is certainly no surf rolling in there.

Hope your Crocosmia does well. Here in southern Indiana (also landlocked) I've tried crocosmia in three or four places----all to no avail. I must not be meant to grow it. So sad as the plant has such a lovely shape an bright flower.

Best, Victoria

Terra said...

I like crocosmia too, and have some growing in an old bucket. Yes, sometimes nouns escape us, for the moment at least.