Saturday, 2 July 2016

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside.....

After yesterdays thunder and rain we got the Summer back big time.

The above was the cloud formation that preceded the heaviest July rain ever witnessed yesterday.   Had I known what the cloud presaged I would have got back to the car sooner as I was soaked.  

As explained before I try to walk along the prom prom prom every day.  Unless there is a hooley blowing which has -literally- blown me over, then I go.

Although I had two days off the walking as it was our annual visual art exhibition.  A great success, apart from not many sales, but then in the present climate quite understandable.

As you will see the Dawn Patroller won best visitor vote for his photograph.

I put one of my original watercolour paintings in the raffle.

As well as not selling any paintings I also discovered I can't give them away as so far it hasnt been claimed.......

On the plus side I now have my path down to the Shedudio and a Patio.

It is wonderful.  I can now scoot down to the shedudio, sit outside, zoom round the pots - when we have put them back - still a bit of tweaking to do saith the gardener.

I will leave you with one of my paintings titled "Oh we do not like to be beside the seaside...."


rusty duck said...

That view out across the patio is lovely. Enjoy!

Lilly's Mom said...

Your new patio and garden path look so nice. It's great that you can easily get to your studio now. I love your paintings!

BadPenny said...

Love your patio & access to your art haven x

Anonymous said...

Not claimed?! I'll take it!! That is some cloud, and how wonderful to see your patio. I was guffawing this morning at rediscovering one of your gems. You'd posted about attending an exercise class, and when the instructor asked you to touch your knees to your chest, you'd asked, "Can't I just take off my bra?" Bless you!