Friday, 12 June 2015

Excitements of the week.

Got my very own Kim and Aggie.

Remember them?  For readers overseas these two did a t.v.  programme,  I think it was called 'How Clean is Your House.'  

Well mine wasnt. The Dawn Patroller does loads in and out of the house. But there is a limit.  His was above floor level.

So I was banished down the shed while my two ladies got stuck in for two hours.  Henceforth it will be an hour a week.  I returned to find everything gleaming. Although I did have to open all the windows and doors to get rid of the perfume of Stardrops.  We did examine closely the ingredients as they left the almost empty bottle.  I will eventually get round to googling the ingredients as I didnt do chemistry at school, but the perfume was a very large percentage ingredient.  We are used to white vinegar and borax here....

While they were beavering away in the house I sat down the shedudio.  I did some painting.

My granddaughter is into elephants so this is on the drawing board.

As is this one of PuffinsI always have a few on the go as I get frustrated waiting for the paint to dry.

But this one is finished.  Wren Family.

In September I am taking part in NEOS - North East Open Studios.  Solo.  In the shedudio. Scary.  

So I am, in between -painting - tweaking.  Trying to make it ok for visitors....

 This is the back of the shedudio.  I managed to (nearly kill myself) haul this huge mirror to behind the sink and reflect a bit of light back. I cleaned the mirror too. But not yet around it!

Later in the day I was out at one of the art groups and on coming home came across something similar to this.

 Got the photo off tinternet.  Our roads dont have white lines.  But you get the idea.
Other cars were driving past the poor beast.

So I turned off up another lane to the farm.  

"Take it home, chop it up and eat it." was the laid back response.
Howsomever one very glamorous attractive young lady came and rounded it up and announced , "I think its lambing."

One never gets bored living here.

The Dawn Patroller also had a surprise this morning.

If anyone is surprised at him seeing a badger in daylight, we are nearing the longest day 21st June, so it doesnt really get dark.


BadPenny said...

Good to hear you are getting help in the house. Could you ask the ladies to use white vinegar ? I spend some of my earnings on a cleaner once a week & she uses my vinegar & water spray. We also clean boat interiors this way.

I'm sure your open studio will be a delight; wish I could come.

Mum said...

I don't think I could cope with perfumed cleaning products either. Ladies 'wot do' - very posh!